Huge Rainbow Kite for Kids - a Best Selling 43-inch Wingspan Airborne - Floats In The Breeze - Perfect Easy Flyer - Lightweight And Strong - Satisfaction guaranteed
Price: $24.90
  • BUILD PRICELESS MEMORIES: Kites have amazed and delighted countless generations of both children and adults. You know that the years of parenthood go quickly-hit the beach or park, share the magic with your kids, and build memories that will last a lifetime while you still can.
  • DEVELOP STRENGTH AND COORDINATION: Learning how to launch and control a kite will help your kids develop coordination and critical thinking skills in a very practical setting. Not only that, but they'll feel the thrill of success when they finally see their huge Rainbow Kite fly.
  • LEAVE THE VIDEO GAMES INSIDE: Childhood obesity is an epidemic because kids spend most of their time inside staring at computer screens. Kites help them put down the controller and discover a pastime that will get them outside, active, and healthy.
  • KID-FRIENDLY AND EASY TO ASSEMBLE: Kites for boys and girls can be hard to find; this kite is specially designed for simple assembly, manufactured with non-toxic materials, comes with a kid-friendly handle, and has extremely stable handling characteristics.
  • AN EXTREMELY EASY KITE TO FLY: Flying a typical kite, particularly in light winds, can require some degree of skill. Your 43-inch Rainbow Kite is specially designed to be stable and easy to launch in any level of wind short of a hurricane. The durable fabric body and tail will last for years. Order your Rainbow Kite today, and plan your first excursion for next weekend. You won't regret it-we promise.


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